Easy Colour Combination Selector

How to Use


  1. Choose a Base Colour. Click on the colour box beside 'Select a Colour.' A colour picker will appear. Select the colour you want to use as your base colour.
  2. Generate Complementary + Contrasting Colours. After selecting your base colour, click 'OK' then click on 'Generate Contrasting Colour.' Button. Three boxes will appear showing the base colour it's contrasting colour and complementary, each with their respective hexadecimal (hex) codes.
  3. Copy Hex Codes. You can copy these hex codes to use them in your website design or project, ensuring visually appealing and accessible colour combinations.


Why Contrasting + Complementary Colours are Important for SEO


Contrasting and complementary colours play a significant role in both SEO and user experience (UX) for several reasons. While they don't directly affect SEO in the traditional sense (like keywords or backlinks), their impact on user engagement and website accessibility can indirectly influence SEO rankings.

Importance for User Experience

1. Visual Appeal. Well-chosen contrasting and complementary colours make a website more visually appealing. An aesthetically pleasing site can hold visitors' attention longer, encouraging them to explore more content.

2. Readability and Accessibility. Good colour contrast is essential for readability. Text that stands out clearly against its background is easier to read, especially for users with visual impairments. Websites that cater to accessibility standards provide a better experience for a broader audience.

3. Brand Recognition. Consistent use of contrasting and complementary colours can reinforce brand identity. This consistency helps in creating a memorable experience for users, fostering brand recognition and loyalty.

4. Navigation and Usability. Colours can be used to guide users through a website intuitively. Contrasting colours for buttons, links, and call-to-action elements make navigation more straightforward, enhancing overall usability.

5. Emotional Response. Colours evoke emotions and can set the tone of the website. Complementary colours create balance and harmony, while contrasting colours can be used to highlight important information and create dynamism in the design.

Importance for SEO

1. Improved Engagement. A website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate is likely to engage visitors more effectively. This can lead to longer session durations and lower bounce rates, which are positive signals to search engines.

2. Accessibility and Inclusivity. Search engines favour websites that are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Good colour contrast is a key aspect of web accessibility. Websites that are more accessible can rank higher in search results.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design. With the increasing use of mobile devices, the importance of responsive and visually accessible design is higher than ever. Good colour contrast ensures that content is easily viewable on smaller screens, contributing to a mobile-friendly user experience.

4. User Satisfaction. A satisfying user experience, facilitated by effective colour use, can lead to higher user engagement, more social shares, and increased return visits. These factors contribute positively to a site's SEO performance.

While contrasting and complementary colours don't directly influence SEO through algorithmic factors, their impact on user experience, accessibility, and overall site engagement plays a crucial role in the broader scope of SEO strategy. By enhancing the user experience, you indirectly support your site's SEO performance.

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