The WebAIM Contrast Checker is a tool provided by WebAIM, a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving accessibility on the web.

The WebAIM Contrast Checker helps users determine whether the colour contrast between text and background elements on a web page meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards.

Input the hexadecimal colour codes or choose colours from a colour picker to test the contrast ratio. The tool then calculates the contrast ratio between the text and background colours. And indicates whether it meets the WCAG requirements for readability.

Having sufficient colour contrast is crucial for ensuring that text is readable and accessible to all users. This includes those with visual impairments or colour vision deficiencies. The WebAIM Contrast Checker helps web designers and developers evaluate and improve the accessibility of their websites. It provides a quick and easy way to assess colour contrast levels.

WebAIM Origins

WebAIM has provided web accessibility evaluation, training, and consulting services and products to a wide variety of clients for for nearly two decades. Clients include government, businesses, education sector and non-profit businesses.

Accessibility Training

WebAIM provides training and technical assistance to tens of thousands of web professionals from organisations throughout the world. Connect to WebAIM

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