What does a Web Designer’s
Workflow look like

A web designer's workflow can vary depending on their individual preferences and the specific project requirements

Having a web design workflow ensures efficiency, consistency, and quality throughout the design process.

In addition, by having a structured plan, web designers can effectively organise tasks, streamline communication with clients and team members, and maintain project timelines. In effect, establishing a clear path from initial concept to final delivery. Ultimately, having this all in place empowers web designers to deliver high-quality designs that meet client expectations while optimising productivity and creativity.

Here is a general outline

  1. Fact Finding

Meeting with the client to understand their goals, target audience, and specific requirements for the website. On the whole establishing a solid understanding of the client's initial ideas.

  1. Research and Planning

Conducting research on the industry the client is surrounded by, competitors, and their target audience so the designer gains insights and plans the website’s structure, layout, and functionality accordingly. This is where is helps to practice active listening.

  1. Draft Phase

Creating a basic visual representation of the website’s layout sometimes by sketching on paper or using wireframe tools, the client gets a general vibe of how things will look and feel. This step helps in establishing the website’s structure and user flow.

web design workflow

  1. Design Concept

Creation of the visual design concept for the website. Including selection of colour schemes, typography, images, and other visual elements to create a cohesive and appealing design. Whilst all steps are important, this is one of the most important because customers and clients buy with their eyes.

  1. Client Feedback

Discussing the design concept and prototype with the client for feedback is the next step. This feedback loop involves multiple ideas and refinements based on the client’s input to ensure the design meets their expectations. It is important to understand how much or how little involvement the client wants.

  1. Development

Collaboration with any outside developers to address any design-related questions or issues that arise. This ensures the design is implemented accurately and according to the approved concept.

  1. Quality Checking

Performing quality checks along the way and on the developed website ensures it matches the design specifications, functions properly across different devices and browsers, and delivers a seamless user experience.

  1. Launch and Post-Launch Support

After the website deploymwnt, time to check  ongoing support, conduct post-launch testing, and make any necessary adjustments or updates based on user feedback or analytics data.

It’s important to note that this workflow may vary depending on the specific project, team structure, and the designer’s individual approach. Some designers may follow additional steps or modify the sequence based on their preferences and project requirements.