What is New in Web Design in 2024

We are witnessing a remarkable fusion of technology and creativity in 2024

One where web designers are not only embracing cutting-edge advancements but are also redefining the very essence of user interaction and aesthetic appeal.

From AI-driven interfaces to the resurgence of tactile, emotion-evoking elements. The trends of 2024 are shaping a future where web design goes beyond functionality to becoming a profound expression of technological prowess and artistic vision.

We delve into the key trends that are becoming evident. Offering insights into how they are transforming the user experience and setting new benchmarks for innovation in web design

1. Sustainability in Web Design

Sustainability in web design encompasses various strategies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of digital products, such as websites and applications.

As the internet grows, so does its carbon footprint, with data centres, web hosting, and the devices used to access websites all consuming significant amounts of energy. Here are some key aspects you might consider including in your article on this topic:

Optimised Performance and Energy Efficiency

  • Efficient Coding Practices - Cleaner, more efficient code can reduce processing power requirements, which in turn minimises energy consumption. This includes simplifying code, removing unnecessary scripts and files, and optimising images and other media.
  • Reducing Data Transfer - Minimise data transfer by compressing files, using caching effectively, and choosing the right file formats and sizes for media. These practices not only speed up website performance but also reduce the energy required to transmit data across the web.

Green Hosting

  • Eco-friendly Web Hosting - Green web hosting providers use renewable energy sources or carbon offsetting to minimise the environmental impact of their data centres. Choosing a green host can be a straightforward step for web designers and website owners to reduce their digital carbon footprint.
  • Energy-efficient Data Centres - Advancements in data centre technology that reduce energy consumption, such as improved cooling techniques, energy-efficient hardware, and better server management.

Sustainable UX Practices

  • User Experience Design for Sustainability - UX design can contribute to sustainability. For example, designing interfaces that encourage or default to energy-saving modes, or that promote sustainable behaviours (like encouraging digital rather than physical transactions where appropriate).
  • Dark Mode - Features like dark mode not only reduce screen energy consumption on OLED and LED screens but also offer an aesthetic choice that can reduce eye strain and extend device battery life.

Lifecycle Thinking

  • Designing for Longevity - Designing websites that are timeless rather than trendy, reducing the need for frequent redesigns and updates, which consume resources.
  • Maintenance and Updates - Maintain websites efficiently! Regular updates and optimisations can prolong a website's life, make it more secure, and ensure it runs efficiently, thus being less taxing on resources.

Carbon Awareness and Tracking

  • Carbon Calculators for Websites - Introduce tools that can estimate the carbon emissions of websites based on factors like page size, server location, and traffic. This can help designers make informed decisions about how to reduce their site’s impact.
  • Ongoing Monitoring - Advocate for regular monitoring and auditing of website efficiency and carbon output as a standard practice for sustainable web design.

Sustainability in web design can contribute positively to the environment. By implementing sustainable practices we align with broader environmental goals.

2. Advanced AI and Automation in Web Design

AI and automation are revolutionising web design by streamlining workflows, personalising user experiences, and offering new capabilities that were previously impossible or cost-prohibitive. Here are some key areas where AI and automation are making significant impacts:

AI-Driven Design Tools

  • Automated Design Assistance - Tools like Adobe’s Sensei use AI to automate routine design tasks, such as cropping images, optimising colours, and even suggesting design layouts based on content. This allows designers to focus more on creative aspects and less on repetitive tasks.
  • AI Prototyping - AI is also being used to rapidly prototype websites. By inputting design preferences and content, AI can generate website layouts that are both aesthetically pleasing and optimised for user engagement.

Personalisation Through AI

  • Dynamic Content Delivery - AI algorithms analyse user behaviour, demographic data, and engagement metrics to deliver personalised content and design experiences tailored to individual user needs. This could mean dynamic changes to a website’s layout, content, or functionality based on the user’s past interactions or real-time actions.
  • Predictive User Interfaces - AI can predict user actions and streamline the user interface to facilitate these actions, enhancing user experience and engagement. For example, a predictive search feature could anticipate user queries and offer results faster.

AI for Accessibility

  • Enhancing Accessibility - AI is being used to automatically adjust websites for accessibility concerns, such as modifying colour contrasts for better visibility or providing real-time text to speech for users with visual impairments.
  • Accessibility Testing - AI tools can scan websites to detect and suggest fixes for accessibility issues, ensuring that web designs meet compliance standards and are usable by people with various disabilities.

Voice User Interface (VUI)

  • Integration of Voice Commands - As voice interaction becomes more prevalent, websites are increasingly incorporating voice user interfaces. AI is central to interpreting natural language, allowing users to interact with websites through voice commands.
  • Voice Search Optimisation - Websites are also being optimised for voice search, which involves understanding and implementing SEO strategies that cater to voice queries.

AI and User Experience Testing

  • Automated User Testing - AI can simulate user journeys and report on user experience, providing insights more quickly and at a larger scale than traditional user testing.
  • Heatmaps and Behavioural Predictions - AI tools generate heatmaps and predict user behaviour, allowing designers to optimise web pages based on where users are most likely to focus their attention.

Ethical Considerations and Trust

  • Bias and Privacy - Increasing the use of AI in web design, ethical concerns such as data privacy and bias in AI algorithms become critical topics. It’s important if you use AI to use it responsibly. Ensuring that personal data is handled securely and that AI systems are as unbiased as possible.
  • Transparency in AI Use - If you use AI Inform users how AI is being used on websites they visit. Particularly regarding how their data is being used to personalise their experiences.

As we move into 2024, these technologies continue to shape how websites are designed, operated, and experienced, making them integral topics for any forward-looking discussion on web design trends. However not everyone is jumping keenly down the rabbit hole.

web design in 2024

3. Inclusivity and Accessibility in Web Design

In 2024, web design trends continue to emphasise inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that websites are usable and welcoming to all users, regardless of their abilities. This trend is not just about adhering to legal requirements but also about embracing a broader audience, enhancing user experience, and fostering positive brand perceptions.

Designing for Accessibility

  • Accessibility by Design - This approach integrates accessibility considerations into the design process from the outset, rather than treating them as an afterthought. It involves understanding the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ensuring that websites meet at least AA standards, if not AAA.
  • Technological Enhancements - Use of AI and automation to identify and fix accessibility issues in real time. Like adjusting colour contrasts automatically or providing alternative text for images as they upload.

Broadening the Scope of Inclusivity

  • Cultural Sensitivity - Designers are increasingly mindful of the cultural context of their audience, incorporating language options, culturally relevant content, and design elements that resonate with diverse user groups.
  • Consideration for Neurodiversity - Websites are adapting to be more inclusive of neurodiverse users by offering flexible navigation options, choices in how information is presented (such as allowing users to switch between text and video), and avoiding design elements that can cause sensory overload.

Inclusive User Personas

  • Diverse Personas in User Testing - Inclusion of a diverse range of user personas in the design testing phase. Different ages, disabilities, and cultural backgrounds. This ensures the design is tested across a range of potential users to better cater to a wide audience.
  • Empathy in Design - Encouraging designers to engage directly with users from various demographics to understand their experiences and challenges, which can be invaluable in crafting solutions that genuinely address user needs.

Universal Design Principles

  • Seven Principles of Universal Design:These include
  1. equitable use,
  2. flexibility in use,
  3. simple and intuitive use,
  4. perceptible information,
  5. tolerance for error,
  6. low physical effort,
  7. and size and space for approach and use.

Applying these principles helps create designs that benefit a broader user base.

  • Scalable and Adaptive Design: Websites that adapt to different user settings and assistive technologies, ensuring that all users can navigate and interact with content effectively.

Tools and Technologies

  • Automated Accessibility Testing Tools: Tools like axe, WAVE, and Lighthouse are being increasingly used to help developers identify and correct accessibility issues.
  • Assistive Technologies: Better integration with technologies such as screen readers, speech recognition software, and alternative input devices to ensure seamless user experiences.

Ethical Considerations

  • Ethical Design: Moving beyond compliance, there is a growing recognition of the ethical obligation to design inclusively, with a focus on privacy, security, and respect for user data.

Education and Awareness

  • Training for Design Teams: Providing ongoing training for design and development teams on the latest accessibility guidelines and inclusive design practices.
  • Community Engagement: Actively engaging with communities, particularly those with disabilities, to gather feedback and continuously improve design approaches.

Inclusivity and accessibility are not just about enabling access but about designing experiences that are meaningful and empowering for all users. As web design trends in 2024 continue to evolve, these principles play a pivotal role in shaping digital spaces that are not only functional but also equitable and welcoming.

4. Visually Rich Experiences in Web Design

Visually rich experiences combine aesthetics with functionality, pushing the boundaries of traditional design to create immersive and interactive environments. Here’s how this trend is manifesting in web design:


  • Definition and Importance - Microinteractions are subtle effects and animations that occur in response to a user's actions. They provide immediate feedback to the user about their interactions and can enhance the usability and enjoyability of digital interfaces.

    Examples - This can include animations that confirm a form submission, interactive hover states on buttons, or visual effects that animate loading processes.

Advanced Animations

  • Purposeful Animations - Beyond mere decoration, advanced animations are used to guide users through a site, draw attention to important information, and enhance storytelling. These animations make the user journey intuitive and engaging.
  • Technologies - CSS animations, JavaScript frameworks like GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), and SVG animations are commonly used to create complex, high-performance animations without impacting the site’s performance.

Cinematic Experiences

  • Full-Screen Video and Dynamic Backgrounds - Using full-screen video backgrounds or dynamic graphical backgrounds can immediately capture user interest and convey a mood or brand identity.
  • Integration with Layout - Videos and large images are integrated into the site design in ways that don't detract from usability but enhance the narrative and emotional impact of the content.

Storytelling Through Design

  • Visual Storytelling - Websites are increasingly using visual sequences to tell stories. This can be achieved through scrolling animations that narrate a story as the user moves down the page.
  • Interactive Storytelling - Interactive elements are added to let users choose their path or explore content in a non-linear fashion, which can increase engagement and time spent on the site.

Rich User Interfaces

  • Depth and Shadows - Use of shadows, layers, and motion can create a sense of depth that makes user interfaces feel more tactile and real.
  • Material Design and Neumorphism - These design languages use gradients, shadows, and highlights to simulate physicality in digital interfaces, making them intuitive and engaging.

Personalisation of Visuals

  • Adaptive Visuals - Design elements that adapt based on the user's behaviour, time of day, location, or other personal data to make the visual experience feel more customized and relevant.
  • Context-Aware Imagery - Images and graphics that change based on the context of user interactions or past user behaviour.

Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Web-based AR - Integration of AR into web platforms without the need for additional applications. This allows users to see products or features in their own environment directly through their web browser.
  • Enhanced Shopping Experiences - For e-commerce, AR can help users visualize products more realistically, improving confidence in purchase decisions.

Parallax Effects

  • Enhanced Depth Perception - Parallax scrolling, where background elements move at a different speed than foreground elements during scrolling, can create a sense of depth and dynamism.
  • Use in Storytelling - Parallax effects can also be used to subtly reveal elements of a story or product features as a user scrolls, making the exploration more engaging.

As we move further into 2024, the push towards more integrated and immersive visual experiences in web design is likely to increase, leveraging new technologies and creative design approaches.

web design in 2024 colour

5. Minimalism and Maximalism

Both minimalism and maximalism have distinct places in web design, serving different aesthetic and functional purposes. In 2024, designers are finding innovative ways to blend these styles to create unique user experiences that cater to varying user preferences and business goals.

Core Features of Minimalism

  • Simplicity and Clarity: Minimalist design focuses on simplicity and the 'less is more' philosophy. The aim is to create clarity and remove all superfluous elements, which helps enhance user experience by making navigation and comprehension easier.
  • Functional Aesthetics: Every element in a minimalist design serves a purpose. Unnecessary decorations are avoided, and the emphasis is on functionality, which often results in a highly clean and sharp interface.
  • Use of Negative Space: Ample whitespace is a hallmark of minimalism. It helps in drawing attention to the content and elements that truly matter, reducing cognitive load and focusing user attention effectively.

Core Features of Maximalism

  • Richness and Exuberance: Maximalism in web design is characterised by richness in colours, patterns, and textures. It's a celebration of abundance and saturation, often seen in bold colour schemes, intricate patterns, and detailed backgrounds.
  • Emotional Engagement: Maximalist designs often aim to evoke stronger emotional responses by creating visually compelling and striking experiences. These designs can be memorable and may stand out in a saturated market.
  • Layering and Depth: Unlike minimalism, maximalism embraces complexity and depth, with layered design elements that create a dense visual experience.

Balancing Minimalism and Maximalism

  • Contextual Usage: The choice between minimalism and maximalism often depends on the brand's identity and the intended audience. For instance, luxury brands may opt for maximalism to convey opulence, while tech companies might prefer minimalism to highlight usability and innovation.
  • Combining Elements: Some designers are finding ways to integrate elements of both styles in a single design. For example, a minimalist homepage might lead to more richly designed sub-pages as the user goes deeper into the site, or vice versa.
  • Transitional Designs: Implementing transitional designs where elements morph from minimal to maximal as the user interacts with the page can create dynamic experiences that keep the user engaged.

Functional Minimalism

  • Performance and SEO: Minimalist designs are not just aesthetically pleasing but also practical. They tend to load faster and perform better in terms of SEO due to their streamlined nature. This practicality can significantly enhance the site's visibility and user retention.
  • Adaptive Changes: Even within minimalism, there is a trend towards making designs slightly more elaborate without overwhelming the user. This might include subtle animations or a touch of color to guide the user's journey.

Exploring New Dimensions

  • Interactive Storytelling: Both styles can be leveraged for storytelling. Minimalism can guide users through a story with clean cuts and clear paths, whereas maximalism might immerse them in a vibrant narrative with visually rich storytelling techniques.

As we move through 2024, the trend in web design shows that neither minimalism nor maximalism is seen as superior in all contexts but that the choice depends on the message the brand wants to convey and the preferences of the target audience. This nuanced approach allows for more creative freedom and the ability to tailor designs more precisely to user needs and brand goals.

6. Typography and Creative Fonts in 2024

Typography in web design goes beyond merely choosing fonts. It plays a critical role in setting the tone of the website, ensuring readability, and establishing an information hierarchy. In 2024, typography trends are increasingly creative and technologically advanced, pushing the boundaries of traditional web typography.

Expressive Typography

  • Bold and Artistic Fonts: Designers are leveraging bold and artistic fonts to make strong impressions. These fonts are often used for headings and can make a dramatic impact, drawing the user's attention to key messages.
  • Custom Fonts: Brands are increasingly investing in custom fonts to differentiate themselves from competitors. These unique typefaces are tailored to reflect the brand's personality and values, enhancing brand recognition.

Variable Fonts

  • Flexibility and Control: Variable fonts are single font files that behave like multiple fonts. They offer a range of customization options regarding weight, width, and other attributes without loading multiple font files, improving load times and flexibility.
  • Responsive Typography: Variable fonts enable responsive typography, where the text adjusts seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. This adaptability improves the reading experience and maintains aesthetic consistency across platforms.

Kinetic Typography

  • Engagement Through Motion: Kinetic typography involves text that moves and changes, creating engaging and interactive experiences. This can be used to grab attention, convey emotion, or narrate stories more dynamically.
  • Implementation: Using CSS animations or JavaScript, designers can animate letters and words to slide, grow, shrink, or adjust in colour and opacity, thereby enhancing the narrative or user journey on a webpage.

Layered Typography

  • Depth and Dimension: Designers are creating depth and visual interest by layering text with images, gradients, or other text. This technique can be used to create a sense of dimension and focus on the web page.
  • Collage of Words: Texts are increasingly presented in a collage style, mingling with elements of graphic design to create rich, textured compositions that draw the viewer’s eye across different elements of the content.

Accessibility in Typography

  • Readable and Inclusive Fonts: As awareness of accessibility increases, there is a focus on choosing typefaces that are not only visually appealing but also highly readable for people with visual impairments.
  • Contrast and Colour: Adequate contrast between text and background colours is critical for readability. Designers are mindful of this while choosing colour schemes that complement the typeface and enhance legibility.

Retro Typography

  • Nostalgic Influence: There is a growing trend of incorporating retro-inspired typefaces that evoke nostalgia. These fonts are used in modern layouts to bring a touch of the past while keeping the design fresh and contemporary.
  • Mixing Eras: Combining typefaces from different eras with modern design elements to create a unique, eclectic style that can appeal to a broad audience.

Experimental Typography

  • Breaking Conventions: Some designers are experimenting with breaking traditional typographic conventions by using irregular spacing, unconventional alignments, or hybrid type designs that blend different font styles.
  • Interactive Type: Typography that interacts with users, such as text that changes upon hovering or scrolling, adds a layer of engagement that enhances the user experience.

Typography in 2024 is not just about conveying information but also about enriching user interaction and emotional connection. These trends highlight how typography is increasingly being recognised as a powerful tool for storytelling, brand expression, and artistic expression in design.

web design in 2024 data privacy

7. Dark Mode and Colour Schemes in Web Design

Dark Mode

  • Popularity and Purpose: Dark mode has gained immense popularity for its aesthetic appeal and practical benefits. It reduces eye strain in low-light conditions, saves battery life on OLED and AMOLED screens, and offers a sleek, modern look that many users prefer.
  • Implementation: Implementing dark mode typically involves using CSS media queries to detect user preferences set at the system level or providing a toggle switch on the website, allowing users to choose their preferred theme.

Benefits of Dark Mode

  • Visual Comfort: Dark mode reduces the luminance emitted by device screens, lowering the glare and making it more comfortable for users to browse in dark environments.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: For users with certain visual impairments, such as photophobia (light sensitivity), dark mode can make reading and navigation easier and less painful.

Colour Schemes

  • Harmonious Colour Palettes: Choosing the right colour palette is crucial for any website design. In 2024, designers are focusing on creating harmonious colour schemes that align with brand identity and enhance the user experience.
  • Psychological Impact: Colours evoke emotions and reactions. Designers use colour psychology to their advantage, selecting colour schemes that evoke the desired response, whether it's calmness, excitement, trust, or creativity.

Contrast and Readability

  • Accessibility Considerations: High contrast between background and text improves readability, especially for users with visual impairments. The use of bold colour contrasts is a key factor in making web content accessible.
  • Aesthetic and Functional Balance: While maintaining high contrast for readability, designers must also ensure that the aesthetic balance is pleasing and aligns with the brand's visual identity.

Adaptive and Responsive Colour Schemes

  • Context-Aware Colours: Colour schemes are becoming more adaptive, changing in response to user actions or environmental conditions, such as time of day.
  • Dynamic Changes: Some websites offer dynamic colour schemes that can shift during interaction or as a narrative device, enhancing storytelling and user engagement.

Sustainability in Colour Choices

  • Energy Efficiency: Darker themes are often considered more energy-efficient on certain types of screens, aligning with broader sustainability goals of reducing energy consumption.
  • Eco-friendly Design: Beyond energy efficiency, the choice of colours can reflect a brand's commitment to environmental issues, with natural and earthy tones becoming popular to convey eco-friendliness.

Personalisation and User Preference

  • User-Controlled Themes: Allowing users to choose their preferred colour schemes enhances personalisation and can improve user satisfaction and comfort.
  • Memorable Experiences: Personalised colour choices can make web interactions more memorable and emotionally resonant, fostering a stronger connection between the user and the brand.

In 2024, dark mode and colour schemes are not just trendy design choices, they represent a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences.

8. Privacy-Centered Design in Web Design

Privacy by Design

  • Foundation and Principles: Privacy by Design is a concept developed in the 1990s by Ann Cavoukian, which advocates for privacy to be incorporated into system designs from the ground up. In web design, this means integrating privacy settings, notices, and options directly into the browsing experience without detracting from usability.
  • Proactive not Reactive: This approach is proactive rather than reactive, aiming to prevent privacy invasions before they happen. It includes anticipating privacy risks and building systems resilient to such risks.

Transparent User Interfaces

  • Clear Privacy Policies: Websites are designing interfaces that make it easy for users to understand what data is being collected and why. This involves presenting privacy policies in simpler language and more accessible formats.
  • Consent Management: Enhanced consent features are a major part of privacy-centered design. Users should be able to easily control their preferences regarding data collection and sharing, often facilitated through straightforward toggle controls or clear opt-in mechanisms.

Minimisation of Data Collection

  • Need-to-Know Basis: Minimising the amount of personal data collected to only what is necessary for the specific operations of the website helps reduce the risk of data breaches and increases user trust.
  • Data Minimisation Techniques: Techniques such as anonymisation and pseudonymisation are employed to ensure that the data collected has minimal impact on individual privacy should a breach occur.

Secure Data Storage and Transmission

  • Encryption: Encrypting data in transit and at rest is a standard practice in privacy-centered design. It ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains secure against unauthorised access.
  • Regular Audits and Updates: Regular security audits and updates ensure that the website remains protected against new vulnerabilities and threats, maintaining a secure environment for user data.

User Empowerment

  • Easy Access to Privacy Controls: Users are given straightforward mechanisms to view, modify, and delete their personal information. This empowers them to control their digital footprint actively.
  • Educational Resources: Providing educational resources about data privacy and security can help users make informed decisions about their data.

Design for Anonymity

  • Anonymous Browsing Options: Features like guest browsing or more robust options that don't require account creation unless absolutely necessary are becoming popular.
  • No Tracking Designs: Design elements that do not track user behaviour without explicit consent are increasingly standard, adhering to regulations and user expectations.

Global Compliance

  • Adhering to Regulations: Designing websites that comply with a range of international data protection laws is crucial for global operations, ensuring users from different jurisdictions feel secure.
  • Regular Compliance Checks: Regular updates to privacy policies and practices to align with evolving laws and norms are necessary to maintain compliance and user trust.

Privacy-centred design is a comprehensive approach that requires thoughtful integration of security and privacy practices into every aspect of web design and development. As privacy concerns continue to grow, adhering to these principles not only becomes a legal necessity but also a competitive advantage, fostering trust and enhancing user engagement.

This has been a long one phew, but concluding, in 2024, web design is not just about creating spaces that look good and function well. It's about crafting experiences that are thoughtful, inclusive, and aligned with the values and needs of a diverse global audience. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the ways we interact with it, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

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